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آرشیو خبرها

  • Dr. Manshaei serves as TPC member for ICCCN 2017

    The 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2017) will be held in Vancouver, Canada, on July 31 - August 3, 2017. ICCCN is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel ideas and fundamental advances in the fields of computer communications and networks.

  • Event 4

    Event text 4

  • New paper at Journal of Information Security and Applications

    A new paper by Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman from Florida International University, Mehedi Hasan from Tennessee Tech University, M. H. Manshaei, and Ehab Al-Shaer from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, titled "A game-theoretic analysis to defend against remote operating system fingerprinting" has been accepted in the Journal of Information Security and Applications.

  • Paper at GameSec 2014

    Our paper entitled, "A Dynamic Bayesian Security Game Framework for Strategic Defense Mechanism Design" has been accepted at GameSec 2014. Congratulations to Mr. Sadegh Farhang and Mr. Milad Nasr!

  • Welcome to Dr. Heidarpour, new Postdoctoral associate

    GTMD group members are pleased to welcome to Dr. Heidarpour. Dr. Heidarpour is currently a Postdoc in Communication Engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at IUT.  He is working on Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) which is a novel mobile network architecture.

    We hope he haa a great time in IUT. 

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